GPUs for Accelerating Analytics and Machine Learning
A joint event with : 

GPU acceleration is changing the game for fast data analytics, for location-based analytics and for predictive analytics. The unique multi-core architecture of GPUs make it possible to process many computations efficiently and quickly. Kinetica is an analytics database that is designed to take advantage of the parallel processing power of the GPU and is ideal for powering IoT use cases as well as for fast high-speed data ingest and real-time data analytics.
Join Karthik Lalithraj – Principal Solution Architect at Kinetica and Ettikan Karuppiah from NVIDIA to learn more about:
- How a GPU-accelerated database can deliver 100x performance improvements on a fraction of the hardware of CPU-bound systems
- Discover how in-database analytics on a GPU-powered database streamlines and powers machine learning and deep learning workloads
- Analyze and visualize data from billions of geospatial objects, on a map, in real-time.