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The Power Of Location And Time: How Digital Businesses Can Use Location Intelligence For Competitive Advantage

By Nohyun Myung | August 19, 2018

Over the past couple of years, one of the top phrases in every press release, conference keynote or analyst report has been “Digital Transformation,” and for good reason. A recent Gartner survey found that 62% of CEOs had a management initiative or transformative program for building their digital business. But what businesses may not realize is that location…

Kinetica with JupyterLab Tutorial

By Chad Juliano | August 1, 2018

Introduction JupyterLab is an integrated environment that can streamline the development of Python code and Machine Learning (ML) models in Kinetica. With it you can edit Jupyter notebooks that integrate code execution, debugging, documentation, and visualization in a single document that can be consumed by multiple audiences. The development process is streamlined because sections of…

Handling Image Data with Kinetica File System (KiFS)

By Hans-Henning Gabriel | July 23, 2018

When you’ve got a large amount of files, like images, in a folder on your cluster where Kinetica’s running, you might want to access that data through the Kinetica database. With the Kinetica File System (KiFS) there’s no need for ingest! You can mount that directory to Kinetica and the files will automatically be mirrored…

Kinetica Reveal: Data to Insight

By Pat Khunachak | July 17, 2018

While Big Data analytics has been around for many years now, one of the most tedious and challenging processes is loading your data into a system, creating relevant charts and/or maps in a dashboard, and performing interactive analysis by applying filters to your data. Kinetica provides all the easy-to-use tools you need to load and…

Power The Smart Grid With Extreme Data And A GPU Database

By Paul Appleby | July 16, 2018

In 1882, the invention of the electrical grid transformed our lives forever. Dramatic strides in health, efficiency, productivity, and more followed the expansion of electricity across the globe. However, little has changed about the grid in more than a century. For decades, we have been promised the next evolution in the form of the connected…

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